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Valorant Update 1.04 Arrives




A new update has rolled out for Valorant and we have the full breakdown of Update 1.04.

Valorant 1.02 patch notes: Agent updates


  • Toxic Screen now burns through walls, placing emitters at all valid locations (e.g., the ground) over its length.
    • Viper Toxic screen is a potentially-strong vision slicing tool, but its access was well…terrible, making it only useful in a few spots on most maps. This should allow Viper to cut up sights, maps, and other unique areas to either fake or help take ground.
  • Snake Bite — taking damage will make a player fragile for a short time.
    • Fragile is a debuff that increases damage taken.
    • With Viper applying decay on her smokes, but only providing moderate chip damage on her area-damage skill, pushing through it was hard to punish. With Fragile, Viper’s team should have a big advantage on anyone if they fire on pushing enemies.
  • Poison Orb activation cooldown increasedfrom 5s >>> 6s.
    • We like Viper’s unique ability to do “one-way” smokes, but some of the locations could create places where it was suicide to push through. An increased window should keep this viable without eliminating the strategy.


  • Blade Storm now refreshes when used to kill Phoenix during Run It Back.


  • Soul Orbs are now spawned when Reyna kills Phoenix during Run It Back.


  • Fixed an issue where Spycam blocked Spike defusal.
  • Fixed an issue where players could place a Cyber Cage on a Trapwire.
  • Added prevention for Spycam going through teleporter doors on Bind when placed on the frame from the outside.

Weapon Updates

Bucky (right-click)

  • Crouch-walking accuracy: 3.45 >>> 4.1
  • Walk accuracy 6.4 >>> 4.4
  • Run Accuracy 3.5 >>> 6.4
    • We discovered an accidental discrepancy in how we were applying movement inaccuracy to the Bucky’s right-click, one we introduced during closed beta when we added a delay for players to receive walking accuracy when slowing down from a running state. This was making it so that the right-click was much more accurate on the run that intended. We’ve fixed this now so that running with the right-click is significantly more inaccurate than walking or standing still. We’ve also increased the inaccuracy for crouch-walking to more appropriately match the amount of evasion it provides.

Rated mode update

  • Competitive Mode will be made available during this patch, changes since closed beta:
    • Updated rank iconography.
    • New name for top rank: Radiant.
    • Expanded skill disparity range for playing with friends in rank placements.

Map updates

Adjusted numerous locations to allow clearing angles to be a bit more straightforward in the following places:


  • Garage Doors.
  • Entrance to C Long on Attacker Side.
  • Cover in A Lobby restructured to open up the space which allows for additional sight lines and traversal options.
  • C Link.
  • A Link.
  • The Entrance to A Sewer and the bottom of A Sewer.


  • Defender spawn entrance.
  • Attacker side of A Main (Including a self-boost to gain an additional angle to peek A Main as an attacker).
  • Garden entrance.


  • Defender spawn entrance.
  • Attacker side of A Main (Including a self-boost to gain an additional angle to peek A Main as an attacker).
  • Garden entrance.


  • Defender spawn

We’re peeling back a bit on the amount of locations that require ability usage, thorough angle checking or teamwork to clear safely.

The intention is that angles that are more difficult to clear are most commonly found in areas meant to reinforce existing territory control. This is to emphasize ability usage and teamwork in order to reliably gain control of these locations. An added benefit is that this encourages ability usage and combat engagements to be spread out across the map which can help prevent the frequency of scenarios where all of the players expend all of their abilities and ultimates in the same place at the same time.

We’ll continue monitoring how the maps are playing and make adjustments as necessary.

  • Collision and Nav Mesh (playable terrain) improvements.


We’ve included a set of menu UI changes as part of our ongoing work to clarify the client experience coming out of Closed Beta. This is only a small portion of the improvements, but should push overall usability in a positive direction.Navigation and UI changes are disruptive, so we appreciate your patience adjusting to the new approach and we hope you find the changes to be upgrades after you settle in.

As always, thank you for your continued feedback. We have a long way to go, but we’ll keep hammering on the client UI until it’s a stellar experience for everyone.

  • All main sections views now have a “back” button in the upper left to return to the Home view (pressing Escape is also supported).
  • All details views (gun details, players cards, match details, etc.) have been converted to use the same back button in the upper left instead of a close button in the upper right.
  • Small popup dialogs still use the close button in the upper right where appropriate.
  • Slide-out options menu removed from the logo button in upper left.
  • New options button added to upper right, which opens the menu with Settings, Support, About, Leave Match, and Exit to Desktop buttons.
  • Circle progress elements for Battlepass and active contract removed from navigation; missions element remains throughout the experience.
  • Navigation reordered to accommodate the changes.
  • Exit to desktop flow converted to a single button with a popup that allows a player to exit or sign out and exit.
  • Note that the Leave Match button is now displayed all the time, but will be locked in cases where leaving a match is not allowed. Previously the button was missing completely when leaving was not allowed, which looked like a bug rather than a restriction.
  • Added a setting that allows players to always display the inventory in the lower right of the HUD.
  • Added a new HUD element that tells you when you haven’t been spawned in due to being AFK.


  • Added Battlepass text button in the nav to make it easier to find.
  • Added small progress bar below text that shows progress for current level of the pass.
  • Hovering Battlepass in the nav shows a “peek” flyout of upcoming pass rewards.
  • Clicking either goes to a new Battlepass section.

Contract & Agent Selection

  • Moved Agents section out from under Collection to make it easier to find and to provide a home for contract progress in the nav.
  • Added small progress bar below text that shows progress for current level of the active contract.
  • Hovering Agents in the nav shows a “peek” of upcoming contract rewards.
  • Clicking Agents goes to the Agents section, and clicking the contract flyout navigates to Agents and opens the associated contract details.
  • Removed secondary navigation from Collection view since Agents no longer lives there and the navigation is no longer needed.

Quality of life

  • An Early Surrender option has been added. You can now opt to surrender out of a match ahead of the match’s completion if you do not want to continue playing. We will also be adding some light polish and functionality in future patches post 1.02.
    • You can call an early surrender vote by typing: “/ff” “forfeit” “concede” or “surrender.”
    • An early surrender vote requires all present players on the surrendering team to vote ‘yes’ to pass.
    • You can vote via “/yes” or “/no” along with the settings F5 and F6 (defaults).
    • Each team can only call a vote once per half.
    • Early surrender votes cannot be called before reaching round 8.
      Once a vote is called the vote option will be queued to vote on for the next round, or if you call the vote early enough in the buy phase you can vote immediately.
  • The winning team gets round win credit for every round necessary to bring them up to the victory condition (13 rounds). The surrendering team will get loss credit for every round necessary to bring them up to 13 rounds.
  • Added a setting that to allow players to permanently mute text from enemy players.
  • Update to Tagging (slowdown effect when hit by enemy fire)
    • Effect of tagging on movement speed reduced:
    • Tagging Movement Speed Reduction (Standard) 80% >> 70%.
    • Tagging Movement Speed Reduction (Wall Penetration) 35% >> 25%.
    • Increased the time it takes to reach desired slow amount when tagged by 100%.

Tagging is intended to reward the player with better positioning and the player that successfully lands a shot on the enemy first. When tagged, you will now more gradually transition to the reduced tagging speed. In addition, the reduced tagging speed is slightly more forgiving. If you are positioned close to cover, this should allow you to potentially escape when tagged more frequently than before. Also, the effects of being tagged should feel less jarring especially when playing with higher ping.

Tagging through walls has been further reduced which should enable reliable escapes when being shot through walls.

More updates

Spike Rush

  • New Orb Type – Tracer Orb.
    • Team-wide buff that grants 2x wall penetration and reveals enemies for .75s when they are hit.
    • Duration: Entire round.
  • Speed Boost changed to Combat Stim.
    • Movement speed and durations unchanged.
    • Reload time decreased by 30%.
    • Weapon draw time decreased by 30%.
    • Spread recovery time decreased by 30%.
    • Rate of Fire increased by 30%.
    • Jump force increased by 25%.
  • Plague Orb now shares a pool with Paranoia Orb.
    • Only one of these will be chosen per game.
    • Only one Plague Orb can spawn per round.
    • Health reduction decreased from 90 to 50.
  • Deception Orb now shares a pool with Plague Orb.
    • Only one of these will be chosen per game.
    • Only one Deception Orb can spawn per round.
    • Duration decreased from 10s to 8s (now matches Plague Orb).
    • Tunnel vision decreased by 20% (meaning you see more on your screen).

Practice Mode

  • Reyna: Killing practice bots now properly spawns Soul Orbs.
  • Jett: Killing practice bots now properly refreshes Blade Storm.

Performance updates

The team primarily focused on smoothing out framerates in certain scenarios. Mostly this helps out mid to high spec machines.

  • Optimized a worst case performance scenario that occurred when multiple players are moving close to one another.
  • Optimized multi-kill streak banners.
  • Optimized player health bars.
  • Optimized creation of pings (z-ping, ping wheel, when an ally dies, etc)
  • Optimized Spawn Barrier audio causing periodic framerate dips.
  • [1.01 Hotfix] Resolved an issue that was causing low memory systems with slow HDDs to perform especially poorly.

Bug fixes

  • Levels 2-7 for the Sovereign Ghost skin are now fixed and unlockable.
    • As we’ve stated, we never intend for skins to be pay-to-win or pay-to-lose . In this case, the Sovereign Ghost was playing unsilenced audio in third-person on Levels 2-7, so it was totally pay-to-lose and we didn’t want any of you to experience that. It’s fixed now, so go ahead and upgrade that baby and enjoy your custom effects, finisher, kill banner, and variants!
  • Fixed Toggle Walk, you can once again use this setting.
  • Fixed the Return from AFK message only displaying the name of the last player to rejoin.
  • Fixed an issue where the defuse bar would duplicate.
  • Fixed several localization strings and text overlaps.
  • Fixed several crashes.
  • Fixed a bug where the Spike could automatically plant when you walked onto a plant site while it was in your inventory.
  • Fixed a bug where the Spike would float in the air if it had been placed on a Sage wall.
  • Fixed a bug where the dropped Spike’s model could be invisible to defenders on while it was on the ground.
  • Fixed a bug where gun buddies were squished on the Arsenal page.
  • Fixed a bug where trying to open the Character Select UI while the megamap in the Shooting Range would result in a deadlock.
  • Improved GPU performance of most out of game menu screens.
  • Fixed a bug where sometimes players got stuck on the transition into game and never successfully transitioned into game.
  • Fixed a bug where the spread on the Bucky’s alt fire was higher when walking than was when running or standing still.
  • Fixed a bug where dead players could appear standing when you reconnect to a match.
  • Fixed a bug where you could get stuck grabbing orbs.
  • Fixed a bug where enemy players would appear on the minimap while watching the Spike, once your team was dead.

Known issues

  • Competitive match overtime on this patch will be resolved using Sudden Death, which we know is intrinsically unfair. We’re actively working on replacing this with a more fair solution.
  • We’ve discovered issues in our routing software causing some players in Sweden to be incorrectly placed on our Istanbul game servers, and this is likely causing a small number of players elsewhere to also end up on the incorrect game servers. The fix is deployed to our Stockholm networking gear and we’re deploying the fix globally this week.


Something Wicked Games Launches with New Game Announcement



Something Wicked Games

A brand new studio has launched, formed by former Bethesda Game Studios and Obsidian Entertainment veterans called ‘Something Wicked Games’ and they have already announced their first game, Wyrdsong.

Wyrdsong is apparently an RPG what features a dark, historical fantasy world-like setting where each and every decision a player makes will come with consequences both within the world, and within others to be discovered.

“Our goal with Something Wicked Games is to utilize our independence and creative autonomy to create the next evolution of open world RPGs,” said co-founder Jeff Gardiner. “Our first project, Wyrdsong, has been my dream game for some time now, and I’m thrilled to finally share it today.”

There is currently no release date for the game.

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Gamactica Women Relaunches with New Vision




Today, Gamactica announced the official relaunch of Gamactica Women, which was one of the first sections added to the social media platform, alongside the Stream Directory.

With a new vision, new direction, and new purpose, Gamactica Women is looking to do something positive and impactful across the gaming and streaming industries. And while it will be similar to other directories on Gamactica, it will also serve as something much more.

According to the official announcement posted on Wednesday morning (via Portals): “Today, I would like to introduce you to Eclipse, which is a section dedicated to creators who create content in mediums such as film, fan films, performances, stand up comedy, and more. With our powerful marketing structure, and our community of creators who create diverse content across a number of platforms, our mission is to create a space for fan film content creatorsindie film creators, and extended content creators that want to build visibility, improve networking, and build more connections within the content creation industry.

Much like our Content Creator Directory (aka the Stream Directory) we will be providing visitors direct access to content creators of this niche within the Gamactica platform, including previews of their work.

While we will be working with creators who make content in all genres, we will be really pushing the horror genre hard, due to our partnership with horror news website Fright Nerd, and the Fright Nerd Podcast which will be making it’s return soon. Through this partnership we will be able to expand on our benefits with exclusive interviews, trailer releases, and more via the Fright Nerd website.”

Gamactica Women is LIVE and accepting applications!

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Sifu Arriving in February 2022




Following a delay, Sloclap has finally announced a new release date for their hand-to-hand brawler action game’Sifu’.

The game is set to make it’s way to Playstation 4, PC, and Playstation 5 on February 8th.

The fighting game has a rather unique wrinkle, as every time you die in the game, you respawn a little bit older. You can check out a vide of the game below.


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